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Remote Photo Shoots and a new way of working

Nikki Prince

Who would have known going in to 2020 how the world would be flipped upside down just a couple of months in to the year.

Not only did we all have new challenges to face on a personal level, businesses were thrown into a whirlwind of uncertainty. Forced on a daily basis to adapt and change their current ways of working in an attempt to be able to survive.

The challenges are still on going for a lot of industries, and with no end in sight the frustrations are a daily battle. The photography industry is sadly one of those who seem to have been forgotten and somewhat undervalued, with many photographers already being forced to close their doors for good.

On the flip side, many photographers and models have been forced to find new ways of working and in doing so have embraced to chance to continue working safely during the pandemic. Remote shoots have brought together people worldwide and given them a platform to continue to connect, network and create some beautiful art.

There are a variety of ways this can work technically, but ultimately using the power of technology and either a camera, laptop or mobile phone, photographers can photograph models in self made or existing studio settings.

There have been some truly amazing images created, with creativity knowing no bounds.

I have personally trialled several different ways of remote shooting. Originally I started with Iphone facetime shoots and have more recently done several remote shoots with the talented Elle Baldwinson. Elle and her mum have created a home studio, investing in lighting and backdrops allowing photographers to continue to work with Elle. Using my laptop to control Elle's mobile phone to shoot and incorporating many of the stunning props Elle has in her own personal collection, we have created some truly beautiful images. (See the examples below)

Although it is not how we are used to working it has been good to know we can still connect and make friends doing what we love.

Hopefully as things improve and we can get back to more traditional ways of shooting we can still learn to embrace the opportunities we can get from doing remote shoots.


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