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Das Society Cars & Coffee Meet Jan 2022

Nikki Prince

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

On a cold and moody Sunday morning in January, no time for a lie in as it was the first Das Society meet of the year, and my first time attending one of their meets.

Previously know as German Buddies they have re-branded and hope to attract not just German cars, but anyone with a passion or interest in cars.

Convoying the short journey to Shrewsbury with my Son and his girlfriend we spotted several other cars who were also heading to meet, the Das Society stickers gave it away.

On arrival everyone was directed to a parking spot so the space available was maximized but not over crowded. It was a great setting with hard surfaced car parks surrounded by trees and open spaces. There was also toilet facilities and a cafe on site with indoor and outdoor seating, this came in very handy when there was a brief heavy rain shower.

Walking round there was a good mix of cars and great atmosphere with the people at the show. No judging and an all round good vibe.

The hosts were very friendly and made an effort to speak to everyone and check they were ok. Personally I think this is a nice touch as it can often be daunting going to a new meet or a meet where you don't know anyone. You also knew who to speak to should you have had any questions or problems on the day.

I didn't eat at the cafe but my Son assured me the food was great and affordable. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their Sunday morning breakfasts, whether that was a Full English or a bacon butty the cafe was bustling and was a great addition to the meet.

Overall I really enjoyed spending a couple of hours on a Sunday morning photographing a wide range of cars and catching up with friends old and new. I will definitely be attending more Das Society meets in the future. Thank You for a warm and friendly welcome.

Das Society: Insta: @dassociety

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